Project Educate and RAISE


“Do not let the memories of your past limit the potential of your future. There are no limits to what you can achieve on your journey through life, except in your mind.”

– Roy T. Bennett

Project Educate

Project Educate supports up to 10 young people per year, from disadvantaged backgrounds, who are missing from education, to re-engage in learning within an alternative education setting.

Engagement in education is a key factor in producing equitable social and employment outcomes for young people, as well as being a protective factor for well-being. It will provide the opportunity to thrive in society thereby avoiding poverty, homelessness and unemployment. Project Educate is an

alternative education school where young people will be engaged through flexible learning, hands on practical skills, trauma-informed support, mentoring and transition into further education, employment and training.

The student needs to be under 17 and going to be enrolled into year 9 or 10. The main purpose of the program is to help students who are at risk of not achieving their RoSA.

The school program runs four days a week at our Project Youth centre in Hurstville and all of the work is done at the centre online. There is a teacher and a youth support worker on site full time to assist with the learning and the days and hours can be flexible.

To be enrolled the young person needs a medical diagnosis from a psychologist or paediatrician and a supporting document stating why a program such as Project Educate would be better suited than the mainstream setting. If a young person does not have a diagnosis but mental health is still a concern please continue to get in touch.

The school which the young person is currently enrolled in, needs to do the initial application and complete an access request but we  can assist with that process before the application is sent to the regional office for review.

If you have any young people in mind, please complete an referral using the button at the top of the page. please note that there are only a total of 10 positions available and some young people may be remaining in the program if they have not yet completed their ROSA.

Referrals to Project Educate can be made by anyone. Schools, HSLO’s, parents, PY staff and health providers to discuss suitability, backgrounds and behaviour.

Job Readiness

Our young people often lack confidence and experience, they might have mental health worries, do not have access to money to get to work or buy lunch, and they have had no role models to teach them what having a job entails. the RAISE job readiness program sets young people up for interview and supports them when starting their job. RAISE  not only helps young people in their job search, but provides ongoing support throughout their employment.


RAISE stands for ‘Raising Achievement, Inclusion and Social Equity’. RAISE is the high-level banner for all social enterprises and employment pathway programs at Project Educate. The core aim is to support young people 14-24 who are facing disadvantage, trauma and complex needs, to prepare for, find and sustain employment pathways. The program operates across the Sutherland Shire, Georges River and Bayside Council areas, and has 5 components: 1. Wrap around support 2. Industry qualifications and courses 3. Work placements and work experience 4. Employment opportunities & traineeships 5. Job readiness and employment pathways RAISE currently has two social enterprises, Café Y and Sound wave productions under its banner. There are also plans to set up an additional two social enterprise in the next 3 years, expanding our portfolio of business and increasing the opportunities for young people facing challenges in finding employment. RAISE was set up in response to young people falling through the gaps of existing employment services. A consideration for the future is how Project Youth can tap into sustainable Government funding without being set up as a job network provider. Between 30-50% of young people supported through Project Youth are already signed up with a job network provider who would be receiving payments for getting them into courses and employment using Project Youth’s services. A fee for service or similar arrangement with these providers could be negotiated if it does not inhibit Project Youth still providing support.

Sound Wave Productions

Sound Wave Productions aims to  assist young people to engage in supportive programs to increase opportunities, increase young peoples resilience, confidence, access to education, access to services, improve mental and emotional wellbeing, improved employability & job readiness and peer connections.

This is done through:

  1.      Brief therapeutic interventions:
  • Referral & Intake, relationship building, communication, personal development, removing barriers to access, therapeutic activity, resilience building, reflective conversations, emotional support, living skills

   2.       Creative Music Program (BASS)

  • Therapeutic music program which supports young people, through the healing power of music. Music is a great therapeutic resource and can support young people’s mental well-being, while also reducing harm, helping them express trauma and difficult experiences, in a safe environment where they are forming connections to services and peers, while gaining new skills.
  • Song writing, drumming, performing skills, beat work, using activities, connections with peers and music sessions

BASS is delivered over an 8-week period. One session per week, for 2 hours (on a day/time agreed with the school). BASS can also be run in Project Youths centres as required.

   3.       Performance sessions and events

  •  Creation of opportunities to perform – confidence, mental well-being, story telling
  • Opportunities to design and manage events – job skills

   4.       Employability

  • Job Readiness Program
  • Access to qualifications, work placements and employment
  • Increased confidence and resilience to seek and maintain employment

 5.      Certificate II Music

  • The course will be run once per year at Project Youth Menai and will prepare young people for further study and employment in the music and production industry. The course will assist young people to work effectively with others, contribute to the health and safety of self and others, develop and apply creative arts industry knowledge, develop skills to play or sing music, perform simple musical pieces, incorporate technology into music making, develop basic audio skills and knowledge and assist with sound recordings


The course will run for 12 weeks and participants need to be eligible through smart and skilled.  


-         Young people facing disadvantages, challenges or trauma and are finding it difficult to maintain their education

-         Young people who are interested in music as a career pathway

-         Young people who would benefit from the healing power of music

Our Courses:

We support young people in their applications to courses at tertiary colleges and institutes, as well as running courses, at Project Youth, to further the training of young people. Take a look at the FREE courses we offer:

If you would like to enquire about one of our courses, please contact

All referrals to be made through the make a referral all other services button found at the top of the page

What’s new with the courses

Our Business Partnerships:

We work with dedicated corporate partners who see that their corporate social responsibility includes hiring young people as valuable and fast-learning members of their workforce. Our partners understand the rewarding repercussions of giving young people who have faced disadvantage a new start in life. The employment and training of young people is essential to build the next generation of talent in our local areas. We know it will not necessarily be a smooth start, but you will take pride in watching the transformation of an individual into a hard-working and loyal member of your workforce. And, what better way to strengthen your corporate social responsibility programmes!

Current Business Partners:

  • The Shangri La Hotel
  • Breen Resources
  • ESG
  • Thinking Works
  • KK Technical Services
  • Mr Paisleys Cafe
  • Snippers
  • Payce Foundation
  • Calvary Hospital
  • Novotel Brighton-le Sands
By Trina Johnson 02 Jun, 2020
In 2017, The Shangri-La Hotel, with Phillippe at the head, chose Project Youth to be their Embrace Partner. We felt instantly welcomed into the wonderful world of a 5* hotel and all the fantastic employment opportunities that it offers young people. Since then, the Shangri-La team have gone above and beyond to support Project Youth, so it is with great pleasure that we feature Phillippe in our first ‘Supporter Spotlight’. At the partnership’s inception, we began putting young people forward for vacant positions at the Shangri-La, supporting them through the application and interview process. The warm and welcoming staff at the hotel made applicants feel at ease, and our first young person, Leah, started working at the Shangri-La in 2017. Phillippe was present at Leah’s induction to welcome her to the hotel, and instantly made her feel like part of the team. Leah’s induction coincided with the hotel’s cake competition, which Project Youth were invited to join. We felt excited and proud to be introduced to Philippe’s network as friends and partners of the Shangri-La, and our cake even won first place. Thanks to the Shangri La team, Leah has been able to learn and grow, and has gone from strength to strength in her role. She also set a fantastic precedent for the talent of our young people, and before long, the hotel invited others to trial. To date, the Shangri-La has welcomed 5 young people into their hospitality team, and 3 of these now work permanently on the Shangri-La’s books. One of the highlights of our partnership so far has been the ‘Retreat Day’. Philippe and his team organised for 25 young people to attend a day of work experience workshops at the hotel, learning about the various employment opportunities the Shangri-La could offer. They made delicious cakes, and an amazing Mocktail called ‘The Project Youth’. We were able to check out the engineering area, and had loads of fun in a ‘Make the Bed’ challenge with the cleaning staff. We were also invited to participate in the All Staff Meeting, where we learnt about the running of the hotel, and could ask questions. The highlight of the day was when Phillippe and his team chatted with our young people over lunch, making them feel at ease – one young person said they felt “pretty special that the big boss had time for them”. At the end of the day, our young people left with new skills, and with a new enthusiasm for the chance to work at such an amazing establishment, as part of such a warm and welcoming team. The Shangri-La team always make Project Youth (staff and young people) feel very welcome at the hotel, extending an invitation to many amazing events such as the opening of the Christmas gingerbread structure. These events are an opportunity for young people to meet the team and make a good impression, but also for PY staff to network, and spread the word about the work Project Youth do as a not-for-profit. The Shangri-La team have changed the lives of many young people by opening their doors to Labour Y’s young people. Many of Project Youth’s young people have faced disadvantage, and are seeking employment as a way to start a new life, get independence, and determine their own future. We have noticed that employment does not just give young people an income, but leads to a sense of belonging, a reduction in risk taking behaviours, improvements in housing, better family connections, improvements in overall health and an interest in engaging in further education and training. Philippe and his team help young people to reach for the stars and discover their true potential. Project Youth strive to create a future where all young people can thrive, no matter the disadvantage they face. Philippe and his team have gone above and beyond to make this a reality at the Shangri-La. We are so grateful.

Donate today to help a young person like Leah find employment.


Hear first-hand why Breen chose to partner with Labour Y


  • KK Technical Services - There is no negative to giving it a try - if it works out you will be better off, if not, you will be no worse off.

    "It is so important to give all young people, but especially those facing disadvantage a sense of purpose in society and the pride that comes with being a working individual - supporting themselves and contributing to society. The eagerness of the young people to work and to learn has been a benefit to us as a business and to their team mates who benefit from their enthusiasm. It has been quite simply heart-warming to be able to help young people on their journey. As much as we could talk about the corporate benefits, the personal impact of having helped a young person on their working career has been positive and meaningful for us. We would encourage other companies to work with Project Youth - we can attest to the benefits for your business, your team and yourself personally. There is no negative to giving it a try - if it works out you will be better off, if not, you will be no worse off.”

  • Thinking Works - Knowing you can make a difference to someone’s life is very fulfilling.

    “I find younger employees are typically less set in their ways and can be guided more easily. A young employee with the right attitude is more flexible and willing to learn new skills. Project Youth is happy to work with you to understand your business and requirements. In the early days of recruiting a young, disadvantaged person Project Youth work closely with the new employee to help settle them in to their role. Project Youth don’t push candidates onto you, they consult with you and you work together to find a suitable fit for your business. Project Youth offer a great way to get involved in helping and making a positive difference to your community. After working with Project Youth you feel like you have become part of their business, certainly part of their purpose. Project Youth is about doing good things for young people who need help, and they make you feel valued and remind you that you’ve done good things for the community. Knowing you can make a difference to someone’s life is very fulfilling. To be able to help young people get on track (or get back on track) is even better. Young people are the future of our community, they’ll interact with our children, in time influence our grandchildren and shape the way we live. To know you’ve helped someone change their life for the better is a great feeling.”

Partner With Us

If you want to change the life of a young person like Leah, or you are a business looking to strengthen a corporate social responsibility programme, please reach out. 

Partner With Us

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