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You spoke up, you donated, and you told homeless youth in your community, they matter.

These have been difficult times for us all. Your generosity during the pandemic demonstrates your empathy and compassion as a kind and caring community member, stepping up to care for our most vulnerable neighbours. Many young people were self-isolating in dangerous households, and many more now face unemployment and financial instability.

We have already seen a worrying spike in referrals around youth homelessness. Your donations allow us to respond to this increase in demand for our services.

Thank you so much for standing with us on our mission. Thank you for challenging the stereotype of homelessness to include couch surfing, as well as sleeping rough. Thank you for listening to our young people’s stories and raising awareness. Thank you for your kind donations.

You help to transform the lives of young people by giving them a safe place to call home.

A Project Youth Campaigner:

“Many young people facing this challenge often think their lives are now over they won’t go anywhere. Nowhere will employ them, they don’t have any routine. This can often rattle and overwhelm young people. All young people are just looking for a safe home and a safe haven. Many have come from places where they can’t trust anyone or feel safe. They are often scared of the stereotype that all young people who face homelessness are “hard to deal with” or “trouble”. With a minority of people realising that many who face this issue have had to care for siblings or family, grown up too fast or have had falling outs that they cannot resolve. As well as many just needing a shoulder to lean on or a voice.”

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